IoT-NGIN pilots will be federated to enable cross-IoT-NGIN services deployment. This federation will be further extended via new partners joining IoT-NGIN via Open Calls. A number of technologies developed by IoT-NGIN will be the enablers for the federation. Initially, the cross-IoT-NGIN agreement mechanism will be exploited to facilitate the interactions between the technology and the living labs. Nonetheless, it is considered of major importance for the envisioned Next Generation IoT ecosystem the exploitation of data sovereignty in different locations to be accessed (after anonymization) across different platforms, as well as the federation/aggregation of already trained ML models from similar applications (e.g. AGV, AGLV and autonomous drones or Robo-buses) to be used as a starting point for the training of new ML models focusing on new underlying infrastructures. The IoT-NGIN interfaces’ abstraction will allow apps in one trial to be exploited by different platforms, while data semantics and analytics will facilitate the data exploitation.
IoT-NGIN Technology and Living Labs Federation