“Green Energy Saves the Earth” is the students’ convincement from various European schools. On April the 27, 2022 our partner ASM hosted in Terni, about 40 secondary school students coming from Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Italy, Croatia and Turkey, involved in a cultural Erasmus program on sustainability and green energy. During the event, the R&D Unit of ASM, represented by Alessio Cavadenti and Marco Antonio Bucarelli, explained the energy transition concept and introduced the recent advancement targeting the Energy sector. It was an opportunity to get participants thinking about how to adopt an environmentally friendly approach, promoting at the same time the discussion on environmental topics, like the alternative, greener ways for their own sustainable future. The audience had the chance to get aware of contributions towards these goals via Research and Innovation actions, in which ASM participates, focusing on BRIGHT, but also introducing the work in other H2020 projects, including I-NERGY, PHOENIX, MATRYCS, HYPERRIDE, BD4NRG and IoT-NGIN.